As a supervisor for LPC Associates, one of the most important things to me is finding associates who share the same values and ethics that I do. I also look for individuals who are hardworking and able to take direction. In order to be successful in private practice, it is essential that you are able to work independently and complete tasks assigned to you in a timely manner. Finally, I believe it is important that potential associates are willing to take risks and make mistakes. This allows them to learn from their experiences and grow as professionals.
Associates Must Share the Same Values and Ethics
In order to be successful as an LPC Associate, it is important that you share the same values and ethics as your supervisor. This allows for a smooth working relationship and helps to ensure that the work being done is in line with the supervisor’s beliefs and practices.
As a profession, counselors have a shared set of ethics which are outlined for us both by the Texas State Board of Examiners of Professional Counselors and the American Counseling Association. These are, however, the bare minimum when it comes to what standards a counselor must abide by.
The values I look for in a prospective associate go well beyond the bare minimum set forth by our license. I seek out associates who want to learn, grow, and take risks, associates who are able to make decisions ethically and with integrity. The LPC Associates I choose to work with are hardworking and have a willingness to put in the extra effort to get the job done right.
The Importance of Hard Work and Taking Direction
My LPC Associates are expected to be hardworking and take direction well. These two qualities will help them in the long run by showing that they can follow instructions, work productively on their own, and do what is needed to start a successful private practice. Supervisors should not have to micromanage or give too many directions; instead, LPC Associates should be able to take charge and work hard. That doesn’t mean that you’ll be discouraged from asking questions. After all, you don’t know what you don’t know.
Building a successful private practice is no easy feat and not for the faint of heart. There will be challenges along the way to success, and it’s not unusual for counselors building a private practice to feel discouraged at times. The successful few are the ones able to push through these barriers.
Luckily, the associates I work with have me. They don’t have to face the challenges of building a business alone. I’m not just their LPC Supervisor; I’m their business consultant, marketing strategist, cheerleader, mentor, and sounding board. I’ve been in their shoes before and know what it takes to be successful.
When you work with me, you can expect that I will give you honest feedback, help you troubleshoot problems, and provide support as needed. I’ll also be available to answer any questions you may have about private practice or the counseling profession.
Great Associates are Able to Work Independently
A successful company is only as good as the people who work for it. This is also true in a company of one. My role as an LPC Supervisor is to help you put systems in place that allow you to build a thriving practice. Great systems not only make the work process more efficient but also free up time for other tasks that need to be completed. (Hello, work-life balance!)
I have worked hard to streamline my practice. This includes having a sound marketing strategy, developing a system for quick notetaking, and even an efficient system for handling new client inquiries.
These are things that have taken me a considerable amount of time and effort to develop, and I can help you get there a lot faster (and for a lot less $$$ than I spent on oodles of training and other resources). The one thing that I wish I could change about when I started my own private practice was to have someone who could guide me step-by-step through the process. That’s what you get when you work with me.
Great Associates Learn From Their Mistakes (and have a willingness to make them)
I have made a lot of mistakes in building my own private practice. But I don’t see these as failures; instead, I see them as learning opportunities. And I would not have been able to grow my business without making a few missteps along the way.
The associates I work with should be prepared to make mistakes and learn from them. This is how we grow both personally and professionally. As your supervisor, I will help you debrief your mistakes, learn from them, and develop a plan to prevent them from happening again in the future.
Financial Stability
This one is probably going to be a bit controversial, but I do look for associates who have the time and resources necessary to invest in supervision and growing a business. LPC Associates I work with need to be able to invest in their practice, pay for supervision as well as have the necessary time it takes to grow a business. In short, they need to be more or less financially stable whether through a partner or their family.
I always encourage my associates to plan for their financial stability because it allows them to focus more of their energy on their clients and business goals. When they are not worrying about money, they can be more present with their clients and provide better care. Additionally, investing in their practice ensures that they have the latest tools and resources, which allows them to continue providing quality care.
Lastly, taking the time to grow their business means that they can serve more clients and make a greater impact. Unless you have clients you are able to carry over from your current group or agency, you’re going to start at 0. Zero clients mean zero income. Financial stability is essential for any business, and being in private practice is no different. While you will likely make more money in private practice, it takes time to get there.
I hope this gives you a better idea of what I’m looking for in prospective associates. If you think we would be a good fit, please reach out to me. I’d love to hear from you! You can schedule a free 30-minute Zoom call below. (See? Systems are great.)

About the Author
Mark Cagle is an LPC Supervisor in Texas and provides online supervision to LPC Associates throughout the state. He also has a thriving private practice in Dallas focused on working with couples in crisis.
Being the nerd that he is, he also builds websites and creates digital marketing plans to help other therapists flourish in their practices.
There are many great reasons to work with Mark, but don't just take his word for it. If you want to skip the usual associate slog and jumpstart your career in private practice, schedule a chat.